
Poole slumped to a club record breaking sequence of successive home defeats as they were beaten for the fifth time in as many meetings at Wimborne Road, equalling their fourth biggest home league defeat following their 30-60 thumping against the all-firing Rye House Rockets.

The visitors, brandishing last month's Poole number one Krzysztof Kasprzak at reserve, hit the Pirates hard from the off and repeatedly had the beating of the Pirates from the gate. Kasprzak reeled off a 4-ride paid maximum with three fine victories, which was as many as he achieved in his last four Wimborne Road appearances for Poole!

Whilst the Pirates were never effectively in the meeting, the margin of defeat could have been less had it not been for a series of misfortune.

In heat 12, fresh from starring in Poole's first and, what was to prove, only heat advantage in heat 11 when partnering skipper Hans Andersen to a 5-1, Paul Starke went on the backstraight charge only to have too much pace and couldn't make the third turn. Spectacularly he impaled into the air-barrier damaging his hand in the process which left him withdrawing from the meeting. His heat 14 replacement, James Shanes made a terrific gate and with Edward Kennett chaperoning him throughout the race the Pirates looked set for a further heat gain only for Kennett to break down on the final arc. Shanes continued for the win himself, an achievement that gave him something to smile about. "It was another disappointing night all round for us, but I was glad to get that win. I havent had too many of them this year so it was nice for me personally. Eddie certainly helped me out in that race and it was unfortunate he couldn't finish. I would like to thank the fans for their appreciation. I know it is tough on them when we are struggling like we are but all I can do is ask them to stick with us. It hurts so much more because Poole have been so used to success and it is just not happening for us at the moment." Shanes admitted.


There was further misery for the Pirates in heat 15 when Andersen holding a comfortable lead seized an engine, gifting Chris Harris and Scott Nicholls the 5-1 that saw the Rockets breach the 60.

The result leaves Rye House trailing Poole by 6 points but the Rockets do have 3 matches in hand whilst Poole also remain under threat from Somerset who have two matches in hand and are just 3 points shy of the Pirates present 31 points.

B. Kurtz 1,2,1,0,1=5
J. Holder 0,0,2,0=2
T. Lahti 0,0,1,2=3
E. Kennett 2,1,0,R=3
H. Andersen 3,1,2',2,R=8+1
P. Starke 2,1',3,FD=6+1
J. Shanes 0,0,0,3=3

C. Harris 2',3,1,3,3=12+1
B. Barker 3,2',3,0=8+1
R. Wells 3,3,3,1=10
S. Robson 1,2',2',2=7+2
S. Nicholls 2,1,3,1,2'=9+1
K. Kasprzak 3,3,2',3=11+1
B. Morley 1,1',0,1'=3+2

Ht 1 B. Barker C. Harris B. Kurtz J. Holder 1-5 (1-5) (60.75)
Ht 2 K. Kasprzak P. Starke B. Morley J. Shanes 2-4 (3-9) (60.88)
Ht 3 R. Wells E. Kennett S. Robson T. Lahti 2-4 (5-13) (60.97)
Ht 4 H. Andersen S. Nicholls B. Morley J. Shanes 3-3 (8-16) (61.09)
Ht 5 C. Harris B. Barker E. Kennett T. Lahti 1-5 (9-21) (60.81)
Ht 6 K. Kasprzak B. Kurtz S. Nicholls J. Holder 2-4 (11-25) (60.75)
Ht 7 R. Wells S. Robson H. Andersen (TR) J. Shanes 1-5 (12-30) (61.41)
Ht 8 B. Barker J. Holder P. Starke B. Morley 3-3 (15-33) (60.85)
Ht 9 S. Nicholls K. Kasprzak T. Lahti E. Kennett 1-5 (16-38) (60.91)
Ht 10 R. Wells S. Robson B. Kurtz J. Holder 1-5 (17-43) (61.75)
Ht 11 P. Starke H. Andersen C. Harris B. Barker 5-1 (22-44) (60.12)
Ht 12 K. Kasprzak T. Lahti R. Wells P. Starke (Fell d/q) 2-4 (24-48) (60.84)
Ht 13 C. Harris H. Andersen S. Nicholls B. Kurtz 2-4 (26-52) (60.9)
Ht 14 J. Shanes S. Robson B. Morley E. Kennett (Rtd) 3-3 (29-55) (62.22)
Ht 15 C. Harris S. Nicholls B. Kurtz H. Andersen (Rtd) 1-5 (30-60) (62.15)

Referee Mr D Robinson
Gates: RYE HOUSE won toss and chose gates 1&3 in heat 1. POOLE took gates 2&4 in heat 15
POOLE 0 league points RYE HOUSE 4 league points

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